Singapore Employment pass, Dependent pass and LOC packages

This page summarizes the various options for Singapore employment pass, dependent pass and Letter of consent to work. Which option is available to you will depend on your specific situation. For example LOC option is available only to those who are already in Singapore on dependent pass.

Singapore employment pass / Dependent pass application (EP-1)

  • ID: 1076

Suitable for Singapore companies which want to hire a foreign employee on Employment pass. Dependent spouse and children may also qualify for a dependent pass in this case. Job offer from a Singapore company is must in this case.

  • 1300 SGD +
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Company incorporation + Employment pass (FR-2)

  • ID: 801

Suitable for Foreign entrepreneur that has plans to relocate either himself or a qualified professional staff to Singapore as a director or a senior manager. The staff should have requisite qualification, experience & company promises to pay requisite monthly salary…

  • 3888 SGD
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Sole proprietorship + Letter of consent application (LC-2)

  • ID: 828

This package is for people who are on dependent pass and want to do some small business of their own in Singapore. Technically a dependent pass holder is not allowed to work in Singapore. So even if you register a…

  • 2300 SGD
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